Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Back Story

Thanks to all that have written me regarding my ailing knees. I want to set the record straight and give you the back story so you will not think I am just a whiner. I wrote the following paragraphs at the beginning of the cruise, but never published it. I didn't think I would have the problems I am having today. I just want you to know the circumstances. 

"The journey begins after a busy December full of company and lots of surprises. We decided to rent our desert condo out for the four months we are on the ship. That meant removing all of our personal stuff from the condo. After 11 years, I can tell you that we have accumulated A LOT OF STUFF!  We rented a storage unit and made many trips with a small car full of stuff.  Thankfully, we had our girls to help moving the stuff because I was incapacitated. 

Incapacitated, you ask.  During the first day of the Palm Springs bridge regional [December 9]....The first session was a good day for me and my partner. We won our section, scored points and felt like we were going to have a great tournament.  During the dinner break, we were going to dinner with a friend providing the taxi service. I was getting into the back seat behind the driver. I had my right foot in the car; the rest of me was standing outside the car waiting to get in. The driver thought I was in the car, and took off. With much yelling and screaming, I fell into a heap on the ground. My right leg was still in the car, while the left leg was pointed in a direction it it had never seen.  The paramedics were called in, against my protests, and I was transported to the ER where X-rays revealed massive swelling in the knee but no broken bones.  I managed to get an appointment with the ortho doc, who ordered an MRI. He called me with the results and said, "I can operate the day after tomorrow."  

With two weeks to departure, and since there was little chance of making the cruise without the surgery, I went ahead with it [December 19]."

So now you know that I continue to have problems as a result of the accident. The surgery enabled me to walk; but the ligaments and tendons have also been injured, and there were hairline fractures on the tibia. I have already scheduled a doctor appointment for when I get home.  In the meantime, I am getting some physical therapy on the ship, which is quite limited.  

I just pray that I can finish the trip for the next two months on a positive note.  I do thank you for your concern and words of encouragement. It means a lot to me. I may complain and whine, but true to my nature, I am like the energizer bunny ..... I kept going and going.  


  1. Wow, no wonder you are in the shape you are and still on the move. That is not good and yes, I hope you survive the next two months. I have added you to my prayer list. Still so enjoy your blog, journey and dialogue about things I will only see through your and Michael's eyes. But miss you in the desert. M.A.

  2. Beverly
    I did not know about your accident. I could not figure out why you had your surgery so close to your trip. How unsafe and irresponsible of that driver. I hope he was fired. You know you need to stay off that knee. Write your blog when you feel good. You do not have to explain. Just rest and heal when you are not in bridge. See you soon. Roxanne
