Sunday, February 2, 2014

Off the coast of New Zealand

We left Tauranga, NZ last night for Wellington, and even though the Captain told us of the high seas to come, no one was really prepared.  A terrible night with periods of weightlessness, things flying every which way, and strange noises.  Impossible to sleep!  At sea this morning things were not much better.  Michael managed to get up and dressed, but I stayed in bed because walking was almost impossible and I did not want to take any chances of further injuring my left knee. I hope it is calmer where you are.

Early evening:

I am lying in bed, sniffling and coughing, and dying from not sleeping for the past three nights.   I have no appetite, my stomach feels queasy, and I am just to tired to dine. Yes, I get about four hours sleep most nights, but last night was a doozie what with all that rocking and rolling. Tonight, the sea gods have been merciful and while it is slightly lumpy, it is calming down and we should be able to sleep tonight.  

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