Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Geraldton, Australia

The people are great, the small towns not so. There's nothing here in these small towns; I don't know why we were here. This place is one of the windiest cities in the world and you think the wind would blow the flies away.  At least we did not have our alarm clock go off at 5 AM or 6 AM as we arrived at 10 AM.  

The ship dropped anchor and we tendered into shore.  We arrived at a very nice marina that had an incredible riprap breakwater.  The breakwater was made up of large stones and as one of the locals said, “there is no shortage of rocks around here.”  Many of the small towns we have visited here on Australia’s west coast have some mighty impressive breakwaters and docks.  They need them because they are on the Indian Ocean, which can get pretty fierce.


There was a large greeting committee and people playing music.  They had matching shirts and hats, easy to identify if the need arises for help.  We understood that they had some nice beaches, so we were ready with towels, suntan lotion, water and wearing our bathing suits.  We walked along a brand new waterfront, past the museum and a large residential building that had an open air restaurant on the ground level.  And we walked, and walked with another couple who KNEW where the swimming beach was.  I have learned from this experience to check the sources first and not just take someone’s word for it. 


We finally arrived at the beach and the wind was blowing pretty darn hard.  I had a hard time keeping my hat on.  The sand on the beach was whipping around.  Michael went to check on the water and came back saying it was cold.  If HE says it’s cold, then there is no way I’m even going near it.  So we trudged up to the street, hauling all our gear and neither one of us was happy about this.  We found the main street and I spotted a grocery cart.  I put all our junk in it and Michael said I looked like a bag lady and that he wouldn’t walk with me.  Hey buddy, YOU were complaining about having to carry all the junk and I found the solution. Besides, I have to nurse the knee.  He wouldn’t take my picture, but we ran into Lillian and she was more than happy too.  Anyway, she needed the practice.


We walked the main street (oh about 2 blocks) and by then I was fed up. The flies were driving me crazy, and I just wanted to go back to the ship.  The shuttle was sitting right there and I got on it, carrying EVERYTHING by myself. Michael wanted to explore the town, although there was nothing to explore.  I made it back to the ship, lugged the junk up the steps, into the elevator, and down the long way to the room.  I went up to the pool deck, but it was too windy there. Michael came back on the next tender as he found there was nothing to do.    


I spent the rest of the day doing ?????.  I can’t even remember so I guess I didn’t do anything important.  I think I fooled around with loading photos onto the computer.  Oh my, it’s just one day later and I can’t even remember. The days on these non-descript ports makes one seem just like the other.   


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