Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ko Kood, Thailand

Rain rain go away, the Sojourn passengers want to play.  Last year we stopped here and it rained and rained and finally the stop was called due to the rain; which meant we had to run a bridge game.  We did not want a repeat of last year because this was one stop we really wanted. And what is so special about Ko Kood?  This....


The captain came on the PA system early in the morning and announced he thought the rain would stop around 10:30AM.  I like Capt. Decker because he was so on the mark this morning.  At 10:30 AM, the announcement was made that our beach day was a go. You could hear the the shouts of joy as everyone was all prepared to go.  Never mind that it was still a bit on the cloudy side and the sun had yet to make an appearance.  

The crew had started moving all of the accoutrements over to the island in preparation for the barbecue, and caviar and champagne in the surf. The water toys from the ship's marina were also moved over to the beach.  Chairs were set up under umbrellas and palm trees.  

After a short tender ride to a very long pier, we headed to the beach and selected two chairs that we never even sat on. We plunked all our junk down and immediately headed towards the water.  In route, I got sidetracked when I saw all the massage tables set up right on the beach. These are things that one dreams about.  Michael headed into the water, and I went right to the massage tables.  

For a whopping $30 for one hour, I got one hell of a massage.  Using elbows and knees and very strong fingers, I was pounded, pummeled, and poked. I had her work extensively on my legs and she really loosened up the muscles that caused so much tightness in my knees.  After enduring some excruciating pain loosening up some very stiff muscles, she then moved on to my arms and then to my head and neck.  She finished off with a wonderful head, face and scalp massage that totally relaxed me and made all that pain worthwhile. I believe my massage was actually longer than an hour and it was so devine to have had such a wonderful experience on the beach.

Michael came looking for me and found me dreamly moving about toward the water, feeling so relaxed.  The tide was out and the beach was very shallow so it took us quite a ways to walk out to water deep enough to dunk ourselves. The bottom was completely sandy with no obstacles or rocks, and the water was clear and such a perfect temperature that to immerse oneself without a shock to the system was heavenly. I could've stayed here in this condition for the rest of the day. I was happy.  I don't know when I turned into a such a beach bum. 

Since no one had eaten in about two hours, it was time to eat again. Of course, a Seabourn barbecue is not just hamburgers and hot dogs. They were barbecued ribs, chicken, and lobster tails plus salads and desserts of all kinds.  After lunch the sun came out and it was time to go back in the water.  Never mind what mom told you about going in the water after eating. The gentle wave action was so relaxing that it was an easy way to digest your food.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and it was time to return to the ship and reality. 

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