Monday, March 17, 2014

Directorial Debut

I took the bridge director’s test and passed, fully not expecting to actually have to direct.  I did this in case Michael got sick and could not run the game, you know, as a back-up.  This happened last year and since I was not certified, he felt he had to run the game even though he was sick.  Well, he is sick today and I get to make my bridge director debut. 

Can you image my panic when I had to teach the first day of the beginner’s bridge on the new segment? Yes, I know all the stuff by rote, but it is different when you have to be responsible for the teaching.  I can talk all day about iPads, but please, not bridge. 

I did a passable job with the beginners, but there was no way I could do the intermediate class.  This is a new segment with a lot of new people.  I didn’t want to get off to a bad start, so I called in friends Mitch and Shelly, who have also taught bridge on cruise ships, to pinch hit for Michael. They did an outstanding job. 

So here I am, typing away while the bridge game is in session.  We have only 8 tables, down from our 11 to 13 tables on last segment. All is in order, phew!  Mitch has been a big help. 

So why was Michael sick?  He woke up the day after Hong Kong with stomach spasms and the trots.  He was so miserable that he actually ASKED to go see the doctor. After determinating that it was not an emergency, we finally saw the doc at 9AM sharp.  He got a shot in the behind to stop the stomach spasms, and got pills to stop the diarrhea and an antibiotic in case it was bacterial. But the worse thing he got was quarantine for 48 hours. They do this because G.I. illness is very contagious and they want to keep it from spreading through the ship.  And they mean it. If they find you out of your room, they will put you off the ship at the next port and let you find your own way home. 

The suite is only around 300 sq. ft.  Poor Michael, having to be cooped up day and night, and take all his meals from room service.  He was totally cut off from anything having to do with the ship, except for my reports. The first day of his incarceration wasn't too bad because he slept most of the day.  After a good nights sleep, we woke up in Halong Bay, Vietnam and he was feeling pretty chipper.  This was one place that both of us really wanted to see and explore, and he was stuck inside all day while Beverly got to go and play.


  1. Hi! Good reading. Not much going on here. Dad has had a cold for about a week or so and feels lousy and so is his mood. Had a rude awakening this morning at 6:24 a.m. by a 4. something earthquake. No damage except for a bit of my sleep. Just glad it wasn't a big one. Having summer weather for a few days now. Yesterday was 91 degrees! Oops, running out of room. Take care. Janet

  2. Part 2 - had my 2nd cooking failure in 2 months (not a bad score). We ended up throwing it out. Haven't been out to eat in a month! I'm still cooking and don't mind it at all. Weird! Weight loss stalled at 20 lbs. Going to do induction again to reset. Not giving up. Going to try making zucchini noodles instead of using pasta. Now, that's it for now. Rest up when you can! Be safe. Janet
