Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sailing the Tasman Sea


That pretty much sums up my experience on this body of water located between New Zealand and Australia. It is always rough. Last night was another roller coaster ride. It was so bouncy that my UP Band refused to register my sleep patterns. It was so rough, a drunk looked like he was walking sober. It was so rough, that the only safe place was tucked into bed. But the good news is that I was not seasick!

Michael got up real early this morning and left me trying to slumber in the dark room. I finally gave up and between bouts of bumpy patches, I managed to shower. I cannot do my hair because I need two hands and you can't do that when you have to hold on to keep from losing your balance. You cannot fall over in the shower because there is no room.  If you did manage to fall down, not over, you would have to crawl out of the shower and then get up. 

I met Michael for breakfast and he was looking a little green. So much for him accusing me of being a wuss!  I did another iPad lecture and managed to stay on my feet. I will do one more tomorrow. I am getting bigger crowds than some of the lecturers brought on by Seabourn. 

We have another sea day before reaching Sydney. The captain says things should calm down by this evening. We will see what the Tasman has in store for us. 


  1. Your hair looks great. Best hairdo when your away from your trusted hairdresser. Enjoy yourself, take care of the knee. Phyllis

  2. Boy, from a couple of old salts who have been through "the bar" on the Columbia, you guys have turned into some old landlubbers. You've lost your sailors edge. Well, enjoy when you get to terra firma :-) Everything is good here; dad is doing good. He was really bummed out by the super bowl game. He was rooting for Denver. I am going to NC on Wednesday for two weeks. Gotta see my boys! Take care, have fun and be safe. Janet

  3. Yeah...what happened to you guys??? Sounds like you are having a good time now so I am happy to hear that. No news here except that it is freaking freezing. It was -22 again this morning. Yes, that is a NEGATIVE. But I am happy, I like it here. The new job is going well, and I am still doing my old job too, but it is actually a good opportunity to show everyone what I am capable of. =) And as for the other is going good. More to follow. Love you guys!!!
