Tuesday, January 7, 2014

At Sea Days 2-4

Day 2

We hit the ground running.  We had to get organized and setup for the upcoming classes.  The beginner class begins at 10 am, and not knowing how many to expect, we set up the tables, put out the folders and printed lessons, and opened the doors to a grand total of two tables worth.  This group shows some promise. 
But we were not expecting an onslaught from the intermediates.  We had an overflow crowd.  So we scrambled for more tables and chairs.  We were warmly greeted by the returning Quest passengers telling us how glad they were that we were here.  And there were many new faces. 
World has gotten around the ship that the iPad teacher was back.  The customer service staff in Seabourn Square asked me when my first class was going to be held.  The bridge players that I knew requested immediate help.  The assistant cruise director wanted to set up a schedule (the cruise director fell down a flight of stairs and broke her collarbone.  She is off the ship in Hawaii and we get another cruise director – is this another cursed ship?????).  I guess I am going to do iPad classes after we leave Hawaii.  How the hell am I going to have time to fit everything in? 
I got my initiation as a bridge director today.  We had 14 tables and I had one director call (which I actually knew the answer to!!!).  After the bridge game this afternoon, we still had a lot to do to get everything setup.  All I want to do is go to bed.  My knee aches, but is working OK.  Michael reminds me that we have to host a dinner table tonight.  Can I just pull the blankets up over my head?  I thought the trip to Hawaii would be a restful time (sigh).  So I get my tired and battered body up and dressed and get myself out to the dining room and put on my happy face.  OK, I admit, it turned out well as we had some very interesting people to talk to. 
Day 3 is a repeat of Day 2

The beginner group has grown to four tables.  We are busy, busy, busy.  The only interesting thing that happened today was that we that we had to dress formal for dinner and Michael got to wear his new white dinner jacket.  I bellyached about going, but he promised me a night off tomorrow.  I am putting this in writing so he can’t renege.  We did see Melissa Manchester at the show tonight.  It was a refreshing change to get a known entertainer.
     Lillian and Adrian 

Day 4 is also a repeat of Day 2

Still haven’t made it to the gym, but today I did pack up my workout clothes and took them with me to the card room.  After shuffling and dealing out 20 decks of cards and putting them into the boards, I am just too pooped to workout.  Michael is glad for the help I am giving him in setting up and scoring the game.  The weather has been very cool and it is too chilly to sit out on deck or to eat at the grill.  The water has been very cooperative and is giving us a relatively flat ride. 
I guess you get the idea of our life on the ship on sea days.  Eat, work, eat, work, drink, eat, sometimes work, sleep.


  1. Glad to hear you made the ship even with going to the wrong port and that you're settled. I hope your knees not giving you much of a problem. That picture of you and Michael at first I didn't recognize you with your curly long hair, WOW, Michael looks pretty darn handsome in his dinner jacket

  2. The picture of you and Michael is very, very nice. I swear, you look like a school girl. Really! Have a great time!
